Creative Writing Courses


Fall 2024 Undergraduate Creative Writing Courses Offered

  • CW 160-01 Intro to Creative Writing        T/Th 1:30-3:10pm      Chris Feliciano Arnold
    • An introduction to writing Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, and Playwriting.
  • CW 160-02 Intro to Creative Writing       M/W 1:30-3:10pm      Ingrid Rojas Contreras
    • An introduction to writing Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, and Playwriting.
  • CW 260 Visiting Writer Series                  Weds. 7:30pm            Chris Feliciano Arnold
    • A two credit class where students attend talks given by published authors.
  • CW 363 NonFiction Workshop                T/Th 11:40-1:20pm      Marilyn Abildskov
    • This workshop focuses on essential craft elements of NonFiction: character, point of view, place, form, and revision. Includes close readings of published work, and work by peers, as well as an introduction to workshop techniques: how to critique peer work effectively, and how to utilize critique in revision and future writing. Pre-Requisite CW 160 or ENGL 160/25.

      For a list of Fall 2024 English course offering click the following link
  • The Following is a list of all Undergraduate Creative Writing Courses:
    • 160: Creative Writing: Multi-Genre Studies
    • 260: Visiting Writer Series
    • 360: Poetry Workshop
    • 361: Dramatic and Cinematic Arts Workshop
    • 362: Fiction Workshop
    • 363: Nonfiction Workshop
    • 460: Advanced Poetry Workshop
    • 461: Advanced Dramatic and Cinematic Arts Workshop
    • 462: Advanced Fiction Workshop
    • 463: Advanced Nonfiction Workshop 
    • 496: Creative Writing Capstone