

Saint Mary's College 认证

自1948年以来, Saint Mary's College (SMC) has been accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). Attaining and maintaining institutional accreditation is considered an imperative for all colleges and universities, as it ensures to the public an institution has been rigorously evaluated and deemed to have met high standards for quality and effectiveness. 认证 confers a variety of benefits, especially providing students access to federal financial aid resources such as federal loans, 奖助金, 工作学习.


WSCUC 认证 Status at Saint Mary’s College

  • WSCUC委员会发布了 行动的信 2024年3月6日.
  • Reaffirmed for accreditation for a period of six years based on 2023 accreditation visit
  • Progress report due on November 1, 2024
  • Special visit in Spring 2026
  • Reaffirmation offsite review in Spring 2029 
  • 认证 site visit in Fall 2029


Frequently Asked Questions Regarding 认证

If any questions or comments regarding Reaffirmation, please send an email to Makiko Imamura (mi2@whqlhg.com), Vice Provost for Institutional and Educational Effectiveness and 认证 Liaison Officer (ALO).

1. What is 认证 and Re-Affirmation?

The WASC Senior Colleges and University Commission (WSCUC) is the higher education branch of Western Association of 学校 and Colleges (WASC), which affirms our quality and effectiveness, and allows us to receive federal funding. Re-affirmation is a 10 year cycle (typically) and we are approaching the end of our current ten year cycle. It is common for schools to have to complete an “interim report” or “have a special visit” between the 10 years. The process in WSCUC is Peer review, completed by a team of visiting personnel from our region, volunteer work by members of the team, with formal liaisons from the Commission Office, and a final review by a Commission panel.

2. What standards and Criteria will WSCUC use to evaluate SMC?

WSCUC used 4 Standards and Criteria for Review (CFRs) based on 2013 Handbook for the most recent reaffirmation.
Standard 1: Defining 制度的目的 and Ensuring Educational Objectives 
Standard 2: Achieving Educational Objectives Through Core Functions 
Standard 3: Developing and 应用ing 资源 and Organizational Structures to Ensure Quality and Sustainability 
Standard 4: Creating an Organization Committed to Quality Assurance, 制度学习, 和改进

3. Who Are SMC WSCUC Lead Team members?

Makiko Imamura, Vice Provost for Institutional and Educational Effectiveness / ALO
Jennifer Kulbeck, Associate Provost
Jim Sauerberg, Academic Senate Chair



自1948年以来, Saint Mary's College (SMC) has been accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC). Attaining and maintaining institutional accreditation is considered an imperative for all colleges and universities, as it ensures to the public an institution has been rigorously evaluated and deemed to have met high standards for quality and effectiveness. 认证 confers a variety of benefits, especially providing students access to federal financial aid resources such as federal loans, 奖助金, 工作学习.

Most Recent Reaffirmation Timeline

  • SMC机构报告 (self-study) was submitted to WSCUC on January 5, 2023
  • Off-site review by WSCUC team took place on March 16, 2023
  • Additional documentation submitted to WSCUC team on September 12, 2023
  • On-campus site visit by WSCUC team took place on November 7-9, 2023 
  • WSCUC最终确定了其 团队报告 2024年1月3日
  • SMC responded to the 团队报告 on January 17, 2024
  • Panel with the commission took place on February 15, 2024
  • WSCUC委员会发布了 行动的信 2024年3月6日

Previous Reaffirmation Timeline


Kalmanovitz School of Education (KSOE)

School of Economics and Business Administration (SEBA)

  • Association to Advance Collegiate 学校 of Business (AACSB). 
    The 本科 Business majors (excluding Economics) and 研究生 Business programs in the School of Economics and Business Administration at Saint Mary's College of California are accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate 学校 of Business (AACSB).

